Exceeding Your Expectations

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with DEAKEN DATIL. All of our products, especially this one, exist to make your taste buds go crazy. You can trust us to supply you with the best products, as well as top quality customer service.
Frequently utilized by most of our customers, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to all of our products, you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service, and guarantee you’ll love working with our team. Let us know how we can assist you today.

Who We Are
I am Kenny Stipe and my wife’s name is Deanie…together we are DeaKen Datil.
We wanted to do something other than another datil sauce. So we decided to stay on the sweet side but didn’t really want to do a jelly, so, we started thinking outside the box. We had a jar of honey sitting on our dining room table and just looked at each other and knew what both were thinking…Honey no one has made a DATIL…HONEY!!!! So…… of course we had to try it!!! OMG the sweetness of the honey and the heat of the datil pepper made our taste buds dance!!! DeaKen Datil was born.
At this time we were living paycheck to paycheck and any little extra money we had went towards our new adventure of making this delicious product! We let family try it. Friends and coworkers try it…everyone absolutely loved it and said “you guys really have something and gosh how come no one has thought of this!”
During this getting off the ground period, my father passed away. He left me an inheritance that we were able to use to jump start our company.
Because of what he did, we wanted to make a tribute to him on our label. During his life, he was known to be a very quick witted person. When he would zing you, he would then say “JUST A JOKE” We took this line and put it on our label. If you look on the white banner (Sweet Hot Incredibly Tasty), there is a joke. GET IT? and right below the white banner is my father’s line. Remember it’s just a JOKE!
We only use raw honey which comes from a beekeeper in Newberry, Fl which also happens to be Deanie’s sister and brother-in-law. (keeping it in the family) and we grow the Datil Peppers right here in St Augustine.
We hope you enjoy our delicious honey as much as we do.
Comments are welcomed and encouraged!

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